Offerings : When you are working in stock market, knowing every fundamental thing about market is the most important thing. With proper knowledge of basic topics topics like Equity / Future / Option / Commodity etc. and advances topic like Call Buy / Call Sell / Put Buy / Put Sell, Difference Between Call Buy and Put Sell and vice-versa, Time Factor in Option, How to plan your Intraday Work, Money and Time management in Future trading etc. you will able to earn positively irrespectively market is in green or red. For short term profit and long term benefits also, fundamental knowledge is the most important thing.

How Does It Work ?
1. First made the payment and let me know through mail or whatsapp.
2. Once order placed, within next 1 week, I'll be have 5 video calls of 1 hour each as per mutual conveient time.
3. I'll also send you doc/audio/video file with content based on requirement.

If you need any clarity, you can mail me or whatsapp me anytime.

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  • Price : 50000